Taking the Sound of Music Tour in Salzburg

I’m generally not a fan of guided tours – I’ve been known to take things into my own hands, do my own research and then create my own guided tour with the use of podcasts, guide books and blogs I’ve researched.
BUT, this trip was different.
Victoria and I wanted to relax for the most part while still seeing sights that interested us. Which is why we chose Panorama Tours’ guided Sound of Music tour in Salzburg – it came highly recommended.
And, safe to say, we were not disappointed!
The Sound of Music is legendary…it was a movie my mum grew up watching, a love for which she so dearly passed on to me. I remember many weekends spent in front of the TV, learning the lyrics to Edelweiss, I am 16, and Do-Re-Mi. I didn’t know much about the history of the film, except that it was based on a true story. The tour was a way for us to find out more about the Von Trapp family, their life in Salzburg, and of course see the quaint city of Salzburg and its surrounding areas, in person.
Table of Contents
The Sound of Music Tour in Salzurg by Panorama Tours
We totally lucked out on our tour date, because there was not a rain cloud in site!
Our tour guide, Sabine, said this was a rare occurrence. Salzburg on average gets about 150 rainy days a year making it one of the rainiest cities in Austria…can you imagine?!
The tour takes roughly four hours, and starts off at Leopoldskron Palace which is where the famous boating scene was filmed…the one where they all fall into the water.
The palace is supposedly the home of the Von Trapp’s in the film, but you never see the entire facade. Pay close attention the next time you watch the film. They found Leopoldskron to be too big, so only used the gazebo, private palace gardens and backyard – the actual house used in the film was at another location.
From there we headed to Hellbrunn Palace where the gazebo now stands (the scene where Liesel sings 16 going on 17 to Rolfe, and when Maria and Baron von Trapp kiss).

Salzburg Lakes & Mountains District
The town holds the wedding chapel that was used in the final wedding scene of Baron von Trapp & Maria. The church is just stunning, I sat in awe looking at all the sculptures, art, and just peace.
The tour was extremely comprehensive, and covered just the right number of sights without going overboard and overwhelming you. There’s a lot to take in with the beautiful scenery (Salzburg is BEAUTIFUL), and reminiscing about the movie. The Original Sound of Music Tour with Panorama Tours lasts four hours, and can be taken at either 9:15am or 2:00pm. In the winter months, I recommend choosing the morning tour since the sun sets around 4:00/5:00pm – you just have to see the Lakes & Mountains district when the sun’s out.