Remembering To Stay Healthy While Traveling

I used to hate working out every day until I found something I truly loved doing…yoga. Before yoga, I would force myself to go to the gym and run on the treadmill, which ended up being horrible for my knees. It was a vicious cycle of working out consistently for a couple of months and then slowly, but surely falling off the wagon. I started practicing yoga after I moved to DC to help deal with my stressful commute, among other things. The studio I joined, Buddha B, was fantastic – they helped me discover yin yoga, which is amazing for increasing flexibility, and getting in tune with your body.
When you’re on vacation, it’s very easy to offer yourself a free pass with what you’re eating, as well as your daily workout. I’m on vacation…live a little…I can take a day off are some common excuses, all of which I am guilty of using! Before you know it, you’re back home and unable to get back into your workout routine. I’ve found that finding a form of exercise that you truly love is key in sticking to your routine. The feeling of total relaxation and calmness you get after completing a yoga sequence is enough to make me stay on track when I’m traveling.
Here’s what helps me to stay fit & healthy when on the road.
Table of Contents
1) YouTube
My daily workouts consist of YouTubing whatever yoga practice I’m in the mood for. I love Yoga With Adriene, Fightmaster Yoga and any yin yoga videos I find. If you have your yoga foundations in place, and heading to a studio is inaccessible, you can practice at home, and on your own time. If I’m practicing yin for the day, I love being able to pause the video and stay in my pose for however long feels comfortable to me. I like to switch it up with kickboxing, and have found some great videos to workout to!
2) Apps
If I don’t have access to a wifi connection, there are a few apps that I have in rotation that work offline such as Sworkit, or Brazilian Butt. I find that it’s a great way to switch up your workout if it gets monotonous, or add a sequence in to complete an existing workout.
Headspace is great too if you need to be mindful for the day if there’s too much going on.
3) Be accountable
I love to eat, and I do it for work (can’t complain), so I really can’t skip my workout regimen because I’m tired. What has been working for me, is using a daily tasks app. I love Streaks because it lets me set six important habits and I check them off each day. I not only use it for working out, but also to meditate, practice German and to remember to draw daily.
4) Hydrate & Get Adequate Rest
Both two important things to staying healthy on the road. When in the US, I make it a point to carry a reusable water bottle when I travel – I can easily fill it up once I clear security at airports, or at a restaurant. While in India, I refuse to drink the water from restaurants unless it’s bottled. If I’m out during the day, I carry a bottle of filtered water with me. If I’m at home though, I tend to forget to drink water throughout the day – I honestly think I need that bottle that glows…
When I get a good eight-nine hours of rest, I feel so much better! There’s nothing worse than being abroad taking in new sights but feeling exhausted from lack of sleep. Talk about a buzzkill!
5) Consider investing in a travel yoga mat
It makes me sad to say that I left my favorite Manduka mat in DC because it was heavy and I couldn’t pack it with me when I moved. I’m seriously considering purchasing a yoga mat for when I travel – at least I’ll be more accountable of keeping my travel regimen going on the move. I get lax when I’m staying at a hotel, which is horrible, trust me, I know. A week not working out really affects me, and my level of fitness drops. Do you have a travel mat that you use? Looking for recommendations!
Whether you travel for business or pleasure, it’s important to take care of yourself on the road. I find it so easy to take a day off, and have realized that when I do that, it’s only downhill from there! Hopefully some of these help you out during your next trip abroad, as they have for me.
Is there something in particular that you do when you’re on the road to stay healthy? I’d love to hear what it is!