Friday Five 3/18/16

It seems like this side of the world has decided to skip Spring altogether and go straight into Summer. At least, that’s what it feels like. Except for the fact, that everything is in bloom and it’s causing my sinuses to go haywire.
Table of Contents
Best Spring Break Destinations
For those of you that are wondering where to head this Spring Break, check out this great list of destinations. You’ll even see Hawaii featured, thanks to yours truly. In college, I’d always try to go somewhere every spring break, and while most times they were just road trips through California, one spring break, I decided to visit my family in Hawaii. If I recall correctly, I was in my swimsuit for pretty much the entire break, and I loved every second of it!
10 Top European Destinations in Epic Instagram Pictures
Just reading this gives me serious wanderlust and makes me want to hop on a plane back to Europe. I haven’t traveled in a while, and it’s making me stir crazy!
SeaWorld Agrees To End Captive Breeding Of Killer Whales
The best breaking news I’ve heard all week! Change comes when the public decides to take action, and this wouldn’t have been possible without the documentary Blackfish, and the public’s reaction to it. What SeaWorld has done to these intelligent beings in the name of entertainment is horrendous, and I’m glad they’re finally owning up to it.
Modern Love: The Podcast | A Millennial’s Guide to Kissing
I remember reading this Modern Love submission a couple of months ago, and was glad it was feature in this week’s Modern Love podcast.
The 2015 Modern Love column by Emma Court tells the story of a college student who weighs the possibilities of romance as a millennial after a stranger on an international flight delivers the perfect kiss.
If you haven’t subscribed to this NYTimes podcast, you must! The stories that are read weekly by various celebrities, always tug at my heart strings.
Why Food Tastes Different on an Airplane
I’ve definitely noticed this before, but never thought to look into it. An insightful read.
According to a study from the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, the atmosphere in an airline cabin reduces your ability to detect these tastes by about 30 percent — think of it as your taste buds going numb.
Back to my regularly scheduled Friday programming aka binging on Season 2 of Daredevil. Happy Friday, indeed!