Friday Five 10/9/15

I’ve been a huge fan of Humans of New York ever since I stumbled upon its Facebook page about two years ago. The stories that Brandon gets out of ordinary people are simply incredible. Us human beings, we all have emotions, and each and every one of us has a story to tell, some stories more painful than others. When you live in a big city, such as New York, it’s so easy to get caught up in the daily grind that you forget people around you are people. That’s what I’m reminded of every time I read a HONY story. I’m so glad his latest book will be released soon – I pre-ordered a copy, and can’t wait to have it shipped!
On to this week’s Friday Five!
Table of Contents
Food Finds: A new breed of travel guide for folks who like to follow their gut
Anthony Bourdain knows what’s up! Can’t wait for this to come out – majority of the research I do when traveling to a new place is where to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks! I seriously live for food, and I think it’s a great way to get to know the culture of a place you’re visiting. Food brings people together, whether it be cooking together, or a communal meal. The countries I’m visiting next month have a cuisine rich in meats, which I thought was going to be an issue for two veg-friendly travelers, but I’m impressed with the upcoming vegetarian/vegan scenes in all three countries. Can’t wait to taste test and report back!
Expats and Mental Health: Double Culture Shock
Such a fascinating read for anyone that has worked & lived abroad, or is considering the transition. Have worked in the Middle East, the US and now India, I definitely notice all the nuances in corporate and individual cultures.
“If you find yourself wanting to suggest they try and do things more like ‘we do in Holland’ or ‘we do in Canada’, you have gotten caught in what Peterson calls the ‘the hummingbird versus the turtle’ dilemma and you are bound to get some resistance. Of course, it’s natural for us to compare one with the other, and your insight may be very valuable”
‘A Good Friend Is Better Than a Noncommittal Lover’: Readers Respond to a Dating Dilemma
I enjoyed reading Elinor Lipman’s beautifully written piece, “Taking a Break for Friendship” in this week’s NYTimes. No matter how old you are, dating today is different. The accessibility to numerous possible partners that online dating offers has made us think we need to end up with the perfect person. And, we’re often unwilling to compromise when we find someone good. It’s always comforting to read that other people are going through the same things as yourself…ah, the dating life!
How To Make The Impossible Possible
I often find myself questioning my life choices, especially when it comes to work – it’s only normal, right? This past year has been such a learning experience and a time of self-reflection on all my choices in life, love, and my career. I used to be pretty hard on myself if things didn’t go a certain way, but I now realize there’s always a reason why something never works out.
What Are the World’s Top 10 Best Places to Visit?
I’ve seen one out of the top 10. Hm, but it’s all relative to me. I do want to see the world, but not because it’s listed in a guide book as a must-see. I’m more interested in seeing things that mesh with my interests. And, the most important question I ask…but, is the food any good?
Happy Friday!