Friday Five 02/26/15

I’ve been feeling pretty under the weather for the past two weeks, with terrible neck and upper back spasms. I’ve been getting by with taking muscle relaxants, but the other day I went out and bought myself a new memory foam pillow – and that seems to be helping A LOT.
All I’ve wanted to do has been to lay down, but when you’re like me and move a lot in your sleep, having a stiff neck is the worst thing. Thankfully, this week has been a lot better, but I can still feel a little stiffness. Maybe it’s just my body’s way of telling me I need to get a back massage stat!
I know I’ve missed a couple of Friday Fives, but not today. It’s the last Friday of February, a leap year! I cannot believe it’s almost March, ugh, where’s the time going?
On to this week’s Friday Five!
Table of Contents
25 Things About Life I Wish I Had Known 10 Years Ago
I loved this, and it’s something I find myself reading quite often. Even though they’re really simple things, I do need to be reminded of them once in a while.
Pick An Industry, Not A Job
If you want to become good at something, you need to spend years and years doing that. You can’t do that if you hop from industry to industry. Pick an industry you love and start at the bottom. You will find the perfect role for you eventually.
10 of the best Russia holiday destinations – beyond Moscow and St Petersburg
I’ll admit Russia has never really been on my radar of countries to travel to, but this list has convinced me otherwise. How beautiful are all these destinations…have you been to any before?
This 28-Year-Old Startup Founder’s Life Hack: Don’t Waste Time Dating
Great read, I could relate to pretty much all of Paige’s viewpoints. It’s like friend & family (even strangers) cannot comprehend the fact that I actually want to be single, and I’m not looking for a partner. Why is that so hard to comprehend?
Doesn’t she want a go-to person with whom intimacy builds over time? “I think that can be true,” she counters, “but the question is: Are you really spending that time with the right person? I feel like most people are doing it with someone who’s not the best person to be growing that intimacy with.”
15 Things People Raised in Dubai Will Know
I have a love-hate-love relationship with the place I grew up in (I mean doesn’t everybody?!), but this took me back to my childhood. I go back and forth between wanting to move back, and knowing what a potential mistake that could turn out to be, but I am just letting life run its course. For now, I’ll just take short trips to the sand pit to quell my feeling of homesickness.
What a Year of RV Travel Taught Our Family
My aunt is such an inspiration to me, and what she & her family are doing with their life right now is incredible. Read about how their lives are forever changed after a yearlong trip through Europe in an RV!
Happy Friday – I’ll be spending it, and pretty much all weekend, binging on Fuller House! Anyone else doing the same?!