Friday Five 10/2/15

Friday Five 10/2/15

A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.


In case you haven’t realized, it’s October! I never appreciated Fall until I lived on the East Coast and actually witnessed all four seasons! The colors change, the leaves fall…it’s so magical. I also tend to bake more, with a bias for pumpkin-laced treats. Oh, and don’t get me started about Halloween…it’s my favorite holiday! I’m totally bummed I won’t be in America celebrating. Last year, I went as Maleficent and made my horns the day before – they were pretty legit. I’m not even sure Halloween is a thing in Asia.


On to this week’s Friday Five!

Don’t Ask Where I’m From…ask where I’m a local – Taiye Selasi

My identity and where I’m from is something I’ve always struggled with, now more than ever. This helps put things into perspective. At the end of the day, we’re all human beings separated by borders that are all concepts to maintain some sort of order? Heh, I’m not really sure. What I do know is that the person I am today is a result of life in several different cities and countries. So, the next time someone asks where I’m from, I know what to say…

American Airlines lets passengers track checked bags in real time

THIS. IS. COOL! I never even knew Delta and US Airways let you do it either…the more you know! I wonder if any international airlines do the same?

How Millennials Are Traveling Better Than You

‘Nuff said.

Prague: Three Days In Europe’s most ridiculously romantic city

I cannot wait. My bestie (I have quite a number of them) and I get to reunite to celebrate our upcoming birthday’s and Prague is one of our destinations in Europe. Have you been to Prague? What did you love eating/seeing/doing? Let me know!

50 Questions Every Female Founder Should Ask Themselves

Such a great list. I’m about to go through and write my answers down, so I can reflect on them. I’m creating my own path, and own business, and not going to lie, it’s scary as hell. It’s sink or swim, and I prefer to swim. 🙂

It’s Gandhi’s birthday today, which in India is a national holiday. That means the dentist’s office is probably closed. I have a feeling (aka tooth ache) I might need to have my right, impacted wisdom tooth extracted. It is not going to be a fun weekend. The last time I had an extraction, my body didn’t react to the steroid shot (to help with pain and swelling), so I got an injection FOR NOTHING. I have the lowest pain tolerance ever, this is going to suck.

Happy Friday to everyone else!

About Author


Christabel is the blogger and editor behind Where's Bel. She lives to travel, and is often restless if she's not out exploring, scoping out new restaurants or happy hours. Say Hello!

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