Friday Five 9/25/15

Friday Five 9/25/15

I’m back home today after staying a week at my relative’s…it was a ton of fun, all I did was eat a hearty breakfast, lunch & dinner! No regrets, my cousin is a pretty bomb chef – everything she cooked was delicious! I also played Call of Duty for the first time – I’ll just leave that tidbit there to sink in…

Coping With Ethical And More Dilemmas Across Cultures

For every expat, moving to a new country requires adjusting to local customs, languages and politics. But what happens when certain facets of a culture affect us on a moral or ethical level?

This article rings so true for me ever since I moved to India. If you’ve visited, you know the stark contrast between the extremely rich and poor. It’s all around you – I’m not sure if it’s going to be something I will ever adjust to, yet most Indians don’t give it a second thought. Oh, and don’t get me started on the street dog issue…my heart aches every time I see one. Like Jessica states, take comfort in the fact (and potentially assist) that there are groups out there working to bring about change.

The 25 Most Beautiful Waterfalls in North America

There’s so much beauty everywhere…sad to say I haven’t seen any of these yet. Yup, even though I lived right next to Yosemite for close to 4 years, I didn’t get a chance to head out there and camp or hike. There were plenty of opportunities, but for some reason, something always came up and I had to back out of trips at the last minute. Oh well, just add it to the never-ending bucket list. 😉

Why You Should Think Twice Before Quitting Your Job To Travel

I mean, come on, there are risks associated with everything especially leaving the familiar behind for the road less traveled, the unfamiliar path. One thing I’ve realized about a lot of traveling ‘nomads’ is that travel seems to be glorified in their posts – social media is always filled with the positive, never the negative. So, when Chanel and Stevo talked about their realities of scrubbing toilets in exchange for room&board, people were surprised. I for one, found it refreshing! Traveling full time is not always a bed of roses.

7 Business Books to Inspire You This Fall

Literally need to step my reading game up – there are so many books I want to get it, but I can’t find the time. Ok, scratch that, I don’t make the time, and that’s something I really need to work into my daily routine. Do you have any books you’re currently reading that you can’t put down? Always open to suggestions!

31 Cats Who Just Want To Watch the World Burn

I am not ashamed to admit that I have signed up for Buzzfeed’s Weekly Cat newsletter, and it’s one of my favorite emails that I look forward to opening. I  L  O  V  E cats, anyone who is a dear friend knows this. I couldn’t think of a better fluff piece to end this week’s Friday Five! Meow.

To everyone celebrate Eid this weekend, Eid Mubarak!!! I definitely miss being in Dubai this weekend. I’d always go over to my neighbor’s house – their food spread was unbelievable. Yum. I need to make some baklava or Omani halwa myself…Happy Friday!


About Author


Christabel is the blogger and editor behind Where's Bel. She lives to travel, and is often restless if she's not out exploring, scoping out new restaurants or happy hours. Say Hello!

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