Friday Five 01/29/16

It looks like winter has ended…there’s no transition to spring or anything, just straight up 90 degree sun. I never thought I’d say this, but I actually miss the cold…and the snow. No matter how much I used to moan about winter in DC, I truly miss it.
Shaine went for a walk the other day, and captured some gorgeous shots of Central Park covered in snow.
The closest I get to feeling chilly is now thanks to all the cold showers I subject myself to. Took a while to get used to, but they do feel refreshing, and I’m definitely more awake after them!
On to this week’s Friday Five.
Table of Contents
Love In The Time Of Communal Showers
I realized that I don’t really care for fiction that much, I tend to read a lot of non-fiction books/articles. But, this was a welcome change. Even though it was a piece of fiction, it got me thinking to this one person my friend and I met in Cesky Krumlov. There are a few people you’ll meet in your life that leave a lasting impression on you
Travel Problems
Travel is a life-changing experience, and it has definitely helped me gain perspective during challenging periods of my life. Looking back, if I had waited for things to sort themselves out, I would have missed out on creating some important memories.
“Travel is a life-changing experience, and you’ll encounter many new experiences on the road, but it’s certainly not a medicine for your problems.
The world is a big playground, and yes there’s space for you to hide, but eventually the smog will clear and those problems will creep around the corner and confront you when you least expect it.“
How an Archaeologist Revived King Tut’s Tomb With A Chocolate Cake
This. is. incredible.
I mean, all his creations are. I would just hate to be the one to take the first bite off such a masterpiece…but, then again, it’s chocolate. Kinda hard to resist. 🙂
50 Reasons to Love The World
The one that resonated with me the most was #4
Because I trekked in the Gheralta Mountains in northern Ethiopia, and it reminded me that travel is the cure for thinking you know or have seen it all.
– Audrey Scott, BBC Travel contributor
This Author Wrote A Beautiful Handwritten Note To Herself As Inspiration
Have to end with this incredible note by Octavia Butler. I’m on the path to starting a new project with a friend, and it seems appropriate to write myself a similar note. Do you set goals and positive affirmations? I think I need to start doing them every week or every month…I just crafted my life bucketlist that I keep adding to when I find new things I want to see, try, and do.
Happy Friyay!